Garden Groundcover

Are you trying to take your garden project to a greener level? Our colourful ground covers are ideal for quickly transforming your garden into a green oasis. They quickly grow in width and fill up a large area in your garden before you know it. There is also a practical advantage: nasty weeds hardly get a chance to grow. Below you will find our versatile online range of beautiful ground covers. We grow them on our 17-acre plant nursery, so quality is guaranteed! Do you prefer a visit to our nursery? No problem! Book your personal shopping appointment today.

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What are ground covering plants?

Ground covers are low-growing plants that, with their dense growth habit, spread quickly in width. They propagate by making offshoots. This green carpet often requires little maintenance and is ideal for planting under shrubs, bushes or trees. It can also brighten up the border. 

A green carpet with ground covers 

A bare, ugly spot in the garden is a shame! Why not fill it up with suitable ground-covering plants? Doing this is not only pleasing to the eye, but there are also practical advantages:

  • Garden ground covers protect the soil from drying out;
  • Weeds hardly get a chance;
  • Pruning isn't required, but only necessary to keep the plant from growing to the neighbours' garden;
  • In places where you don't walk all that much, they are an excellent alternative to sod. Adding ground covers enhances the creative interest of your outdoor space;
  • In regards to the previous point: the more variation in vegetation, the more you stimulate biodiversity.


Order ground covering plants online | Tendercare Nurseries

Order ground covering plants online | Tendercare Nurseries

How do I plant my ground covers?

Solid ground covers are perfect for greening a border or brightening up an uninteresting spot. First, clear the soil of weeds, add some compost to improve its structure and then plant the ground covers in holes large enough for the spreading roots. After planting, level the soil between the plants with a rake and water thoroughly. In the first year, it will be necessary to weed regularly. It isn't required to limit yourself to one species. Plant low ground covering perennials at the front of the border and gradually add higher plants towards the rear. This way, you get a playful and exciting effect.

Buy ground covers online at Tendercare

Do you want to put your green fingers to work, but are you not yet sure which ground covering plant suits your garden best? We are here to help! Our online shop is very versatile and offers you all you need to take your garden project to the next level. We also provide you with professional design, planning and landscaping services to help you from beginning to end. Want to learn more? Feel free to contact us or book an appointment to visit our nursery. Our team will welcome you with open arms.

Contact us

Before you go shopping for plants, write down all the inns and outs about the ground in your garden they should cover. How many square meters do you need, what kind of soil do you have, and what about sun and shade? And would you rather have a hardy and/or evergreen ground cover with outstanding leaves, or are you specifically looking for a flowering ground cover? The options are endless and some plants even combine a few of those characteristics! Take a look at our products or stop by our nursery. Our green experts are more than willing to help you out. 

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Order ground covering plants online | Tendercare Nurseries