Watering your newly planted trees
Your newly planted shrubs and trees will need careful watering as even in a cool, wet summer the rain rarely get down through the soil to replenish the soil moisture sufficiently for specimen shrubs and trees. In dry, windy conditions, this will lead to water shortages. Dry, windy conditions are especially likely to lead to water shortages.
Unfortunately, it is not possible to say precisely how often your trees will need watering as it depends on their size, the physical nature of your soil and site, and the weather. Signs that your plant needs a watering can are picked up by the leaves wilting and the foliage losing its lustre. This is indicative of drought stress and if leK, will lead to damage, with likely browning of the leaves. Ideally, anticipate water loss and irrigate to prevent damage. Signs that a tree has been overwatered include yellowing leaves, rapid leaf drop, weak growth, and spring of the leaves. Fungal pathogens, which can invade the leaf during ideal weather conditions (for them) can also have the same effect, so if you are concerned, please call the nursery for advice.
To establish an excellent watering regime, we recommend that you monitor your newly planted trees and shrubs every few days initially. Start with a regime of watering two to three Homes a week during dry periods and monitor more carefully during hot and windy periods and water immediately if you see any signs of wilting.
One good soak a week may be sufficient in colder weather, but if it is cool and windy a further watering may be required. By taking the Home initially to assess your own site needs, you will get a feel for how much water they require.
A good soak, allowing the water to get down to the root level, once or twice a week, dependant on weather and soil type, is better than watering every day.
You will need to ensure that a provision is made for watering during Homes away from your property. With proper care and growth, smaller shrubs and trees may only need additional watering for their first season of growth, unless we have prolonged dry and windy (not necessarily hot) periods when additional watering may be required. Larger specimens (90L and above) will need a second season of supplementary watering.
Evergreens will need watering right through to late Autumn and, if we have an exceptionally prolonged dry period during the winter, evergreens will benefit from additional watering while they are establishing in your soil.
Even established evergreens sometimes suffer from drought during dry winter periods in free-draining soils. Weeds, lawns and other vegetation intercept water before it reaches the roots of newly planted trees and shrubs. Keep a vegetation-free circle at least 1.2m (4K) in diameter around the plant for its first three years to help avoid this problem.
The circle can be kept weed-free through hoeing or use of contact or systemic weed-killers. Laying mulch over this circle is also helpful, although take care to leave a collar of 10cm (4in) around the woody stems that is free of mulch, to prevent the risk of wrong the bark.
The information on this page is for general guidance and advice on watering your trees. Tendercare Nurseries Ltd has tried to ensure that the information on this website is accurate. However, Tendercare Nurseries Ltd will not accept liability for any loss, damage or inconvenience arising as a consequence of any use of or the inability to use any information on this page.