Garden Deciduous Small Trees What we have to offer ✓ Nationwide delivery & offloading services ✓ Warrantied planting service ✓ Professional care and advice ✓ Plan a visit to our nursery & choose your favourite plants Show filter Hide filter Filter products (Category) Herbs (4) Indoor Plants (8) Order (1) Through the Garden Gate (1031) Pleached Trees (11) Artfully Pruned (71) Climbers & Wall Shrubs (94) Japanese Acers & Bamboos (70) Exotic Plants (18) Border Plants (140) Ornamental Shrubs (249) Plants for Acid Soils (27) Plants with Fruit (45) Evergreen Trees (79) Deciduous Trees (109) Garden Ornamental Conifers (26) Garden Groundcover (21) Hedging and Aerial Hedges (71) Where Extra Maturity Matters (356) Mature Artfully Pruned (55) Mature Japanese Acers & Bamboos (8) Mature Exotic Plants (6) Mature Ornamental Shrubs (14) Mature Plants for Acid Soils (7) Mature Plants with Fruit (18) Mature Evergreen Trees (33) Mature Deciduous Trees (179) Mature on Frames (1) Mature Hedging and Aerial Hedges (10) Mature Ornamental Conifers (25) Plant Aftercare Products (42) Tools (15) Compost, Fertilisers and Soil Conditioners (24) Biological Control Pest and Disease (3) Lifestyle Products (79) HSP Garden Buildings (36) Garden Features (1) Water Features (16) Pots (6) Garden Furniture (20) Plant and Tree Supports (2) Clear selection (1) (Height above Pot) 1.00m+ (1) 1.20m+ (1) 1.70m+ (1) 1.80m+ (2) 2.00m+ (2) 2.10m+ (2) 2.50m+ (2) 2.60m+ (2) 2.80m+ (1) 3.00m+ (2) 3.20m+ (2) 4.00m+ (1) 1.75m+ (2) 2.25m+ (1) Clear selection Clear selection £ - Clear selection 1 - 23 of 23 productsItems per page1224364860Sort byName ascendingName descendingPrice ascendingPrice descendingOffersPopularity Acer negundo Flamingo 3.00m+ 1/4 Std £ 302.50WishlistMore infoAdd to trolley Crataegus laev. Pauls Scarlet 2.25m+ 1/2 Std £ 275.00WishlistMore infoAdd to trolley Davidia involucrata 4.00m+ Standard £ 1,480.00WishlistMore infoAdd to trolley Exochorda x macrantha The Bride 1.80m+ 1/2 Std £ 247.50WishlistMore infoAdd to trolley Exochorda x macrantha The Bride 1.75m+ 1/2 Std £ 176.00WishlistMore infoAdd to trolley Hydrangea mac. Berlin 1/4 Std £ 85.00WishlistMore infoAdd to trolley Hydrangea pan. Candlelight 1.00m+ 1/4 Std £ 110.00WishlistMore infoAdd to trolley Magnolia Susan 2.00m+ 1/2 Std £ 410.00WishlistMore infoAdd to trolley Malus Yellow Siberian 2.10m+ 1/2 Std £ 302.50WishlistMore infoAdd to trolley Salix caprea Kilmarnock 1.20m+ 1/2 Std £ 264.00WishlistMore infoAdd to trolley Syringa Bloomerang Pink Perfume 1.70m+ 1/2 Std £ 385.00WishlistMore infoAdd to trolley Syringa vul. And an Ludwig Spath 2.50m+ 1/2 Std £ 412.50WishlistMore infoAdd to trolley Syringa vul. Katherine Havemeyer 2.80m+ 1/2 Std £ 495.00WishlistMore infoAdd to trolley Syringa vul. Madame Lemoine 2.60m+ 1/2 Std £ 495.00WishlistMore infoAdd to trolley Syringa vul. Prince Wolkonsky 2.60m+ 1/2 Std £ 495.00WishlistMore infoAdd to trolley Viburnum pli. Tennessee 1.80m+ 1/2 Std £ 357.50WishlistMore infoAdd to trolley Viburnum x hillieri Winton 2.50m+ 1/2 Std £ 324.50WishlistMore infoAdd to trolley Wisteria Pink 3.20m+ 3/4 Std £ 995.00WishlistMore infoAdd to trolley Wisteria Pink 3.00m+ 3/4 Std £ 900.00WishlistMore infoAdd to trolley Wisteria Purple 3.20m+ 3/4 Std £ 995.00WishlistMore infoAdd to trolley Wisteria sinensis 2.00m+ 1/2 Std £ 720.00WishlistMore infoAdd to trolley Wisteria sinensis 1.75m+ 3/4 Std £ 357.50WishlistMore infoAdd to trolley Wisteria sinensis 2.10m+ 3/4 Std £ 577.50WishlistMore infoAdd to trolley