Planting Works Terms & Conditions

Payment Terms
Once plants are selected on the nursery, payment is due. Upon the confirmation of a planting date, 75% of planting charges and all materials are payable, with the balance due seven days after presentation of completion invoicing. 

Required from the client
Our price assumes reasonable access to the planting areas, as advised by Customer via our Planting Questionnaire or from our garden planning consultant.  If a site visit has not been carried out, and on the start date access is not possible, a cancellation charge will be made. Where the Customer has knowledge that the paving has not been laid to bear the weight of small vehicles or loads then this information should be disclosed so that an alternative method of handling can be employed. Protection for hard surfaces and lawn areas will be provided where deemed appropriate, however, we cannot accept liability for damage to hard surfaces if, despite our care the paving subsides or cracks on account of weak or inadequate foundations.

Service lines, pipes or obstructions encountered whilst planting are the responsibility of the Customer unless specifically identified in advance and accurately located on a scaled plan provided to Tendercare’s offices and indicating height or depth in relation to surface level.

If during groundworks, excessive quantities of debris other than expected soil and subsoil are encountered, a charge for breaking up the material and the removal of arisings will be made. By their nature, these circumstances are unforeseen, and it is impossible to quantify this until on site. If the removal causes the works to exceed the allotted duration of the works, Tendercare will advise charges accordingly at the time.

We use sizeable articulated trucks to deliver our plants. Locally acceptable arrangements may need to be made to facilitate speedy unloading outside your property. Congestion charges will be charged to the client. The Customer or his representative is requested to sign our Delivery Note for the plants received. If the Customer is not present, a copy signed by the Landscape supervisor will be supplied. In the event of a cancellation of a scheduled planting job by the Customer within a period of less than 48 hours prior to the start date, Tendercare may apply a cancellation charge. This is due to the cost of preparation and handling which will have already been carried out at the nursery which will have been abortive.

The customer is  required to provide adequate water for the plant whilst it establishes (1-2 years for root development to access soil moisture in the deeper layers). Our landscape team will need the Customer to provide a sufficient length of hosepipe to water the plants during works. Once the plants are installed, a schedule for watering will be given to the customer and thereafter irrigation is the responsibility of the customer. It is highly recommended that a simple battery operated timer led irrigation system is installed to ensure watering is carried out.  Advice, design and installation of an irrigation system is a Tendercare service offered.

Commitment to the Customer
Tendercare will only alter the start date due to weather conditions or otherwise by giving a minimum of 48 hours’ notice and only in exceptional circumstances. Earlier slots may become available in our works diary and these will be offered to customers for their convenience.

For safe transportation, it is necessary to tie up the crown of trees and some shrubs. In spite of every care being taken by our experienced staff, there is a risk of some breakage of brittle or awkwardly- shaped branches. If the specimen is unacceptable due to damage in transit, Tendercare will provide a replacement if available, or a refund to the full value.

Tendercare will ensure that your plants are planted to the correct depth in the soil. It is important that the customer (or their gardener) do not increase the depth of the soil, or apply deep mulch too close to the stem of the plant as this will lead to the eventual death of the plant.

Correct positioning of plants - unless we have visited the site and provided a planting planning service, clients or their advisor will need to take full responsibility for the location chosen for the plants we plant.  Our installation team is trained for the planting service to ensure plants are planted correctly.  They may not have the necessary experience to advise on the position of plants in the garden.  Our garden planning services support clients in ensuring that plants are located in the garden according to their general needs for light and soil type.

Establishment Warranty
Plants are subject to an Establishment Warranty for a suitable period of time determined by which time of year the planting takes place. During the period of the Establishment Warranty the customer should advise us of any plant which shows signs of stress, by emailing   Each plant or variety we sell are recorded on our database with a specific batch code so traceability of failures is made.  Should any plant fail to establish within the Warranty Period, (provided correct care has been maintained) Tendercare will replace it, including re-planting with a plant to the same value and removal of the failed plant. After the replacement, the ongoing care is the customer's responsibility.  If plants show signs of stress after planting, Tendercare needs to be notified as soon as this is noticed.  Tendercare reserves the right to assess the problem, address any issue and monitor their progress to allow time for them to establish before offering a replacement, if this is necessary.

Warranty Periods
For planting carried out between January and the end of June, the establishment Warranty Period is up until the end of December. As the plants will have experienced dormancy, coming into leaf and growing during this period, any issues regarding the health of the plant will come to light before the end of this period and will need to document for the Warranty to apply. 

Warranty to apply for planting between July and December, the establishment Warranty Period is up to the end of May the following year as  evergreens & deciduous plants, will be well into leaf in May. As the plants will be either growing, or dormant and then coming into leaf during this period, any issues will come to light before the end of this period and will need to documented for the Warranty to apply.

Thereafter an additional Extended Warranty is available at the time of purchase as an extra or quoted after a site visit at a later date. This typically costs £180.00 plus 10% of the value of the plants, for one year’s cover which commences at the end of the Establishment Warranty and includes at least one site visit to advise on aftercare.

A failure to provide horticultural care for the tree during the course of the warranty period which significantly contributes to the plant’s deterioration will invalidate the Warranty. Care includes adequate and not excessive watering, pest and disease control, feed and maintenance.  A simple battery operated drip irrigation system is recommended and this can be installed at the time of planting - a failure to water the trees correctly will invalidate the warranty.  In the event of a dispute, it must be agreed that a settlement by Arbitration through the Association of Professional Landscapers be sought in the first instance.

Title of Goods - We retain title to the goods supplied and services provided until all accounts have been settled in full.

All items are offered subject to availability on receipt of the order. All plants are believed to be true to name, but in the event of an error on our part, our liability shall not exceed the invoice price of the variety in question.