Timed irrigation systems by Claber available now at TENDERCARE
The glory of summer is here and it may seem like yesterday that the rain would never stop, but don't underestimate - new plants need a good soaking!
- Invest in a kink-free hose and well-engineered snap fittings including a good quality watering lance or rose with different options (shower, jet, mist etc.) to give you the options to reach deep into the borders and to keep boredom at bay - who can resist the play!
- Make life easy and encourage other family members to help with the watering by having good equipment in the right places. Duplicate if neccessary, to ensure there is no need to drag hoses long distances.
- If you have an automatic system, adjust the setting according to the weather pattern. Plants need water and air. A program which gives the soil a good soak every 2-5 days, rather than watering a little every day, is ideal for shrubs and trees planted in a normal garden setting.
- For shallow or very free draining soil you may need to deliver less water, but increase frequency to daily. For pots, adjust the number of drippers to reduce or increase the amount of water to suit the size of your pots and limit run-off. Top dress the pots with a good slow release organic feed, as watering can denude the pots of nutrients.
- If you see any signs of drooping leaves or dulling of the leaf - water immediately. This is indicative of drought stress and if left will likely lead to browning of the leaves. Ideally anticipate water loss, and irrigate to prevent damage.
- Signs that a tree has been watered too much include yellowing leaves, rapid leaf drop, poor growth, and spotting of the leaves. Fungal pathogens, which can invade the leaf during their ideal weather conditions can also have the same effect, so if you're concerned, please call the nursery for advice.
- You will need to ensure that someone can water your plants during times you spend away. If this is not possible, or if watering is becoming too time-consuming, consider one of our simple but effective watering systems. We are happy to help you calculate what you would need, and even install it all before you go away!
Health Visit!
If your plants are showing any signs of looking unwell we can offer our best advice and come to diagnose and treat them. TENDERCARE covers all aspects of plant health from pruning, spraying, pest and disease identification as well as general advice.
Prices are from £75 excluding VAT (price according to work required)
For more information, to arrange a visit to the nursery or to discuss your garden in more detail, please email sales@tendercare.co.uk or phone our Sales Team on
01895 837120 - or use our Contact Us page!